$97.00 USD

Unlocked: Fix Your Trigger Troubles

Find Freedom from Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb Today!

It's incredibly frustrating when something as simple as using your hand becomes a challenge, right? But guess what? There's a solution that can bring back your favorite hobbies and daily activities without the pesky triggering, locking, or clicking of your finger or thumb.

Imagine this: You, back in action, using your hands for the things you love to do…without hesitation.

When you join Unlocked: Fix Your Trigger Troubles, you'll unlock:

🌟3 Comprehensive Phases:

Shows you literally EVERYTHING you need to know from teaching you how to rest your triggering tendon while maintaining an active lifestyle, to learning long-term solutions that keep trigger finger and trigger thumb at bay.

πŸ’ͺThe Trigger Stopper Timeline:

Removes the fear of catching or locking by empowering you to monitor your trigger finger's progress, testing it with light activities and exercises as you transition back to normal hand use.

πŸ“Ή Easy-to-Follow Step-By-Step Action Plan:

Guides you through healing stretches and proven progressive exercises with easy-to-follow videos, timelines, and downloadable handouts.

πŸ“’ The Trigger-Free Guarantee:

Say goodbye to those frustrating moments when you have things to do but your finger or thumb won't cooperate. Get clear on how to actively use your hand AND heal at the same time.

πŸ•’ 24/7 Unlimited Access:

Need a refresher at midnight? No problem. You'll have round-the-clock access to all materials.

It's time to reclaim your freedom from frustrating triggering, locking, or clicking.  Don’t you think?

Snap up UNLOCKED today! See you there!



Disclaimer: This program is for educational, instructional, and demonstrational purposes only and is not to be used as a replacement for seeking medical advice or treatment of your condition. Virtual Hand Care, or its members, do not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Please know that performing any exercise program is solely at your own risk.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on several factors, such as your physical health, commitment, and actions. Since these factors differ according to individuals I cannot guarantee your success, nor am I responsible for any of your actions. Results may vary.
Copyright 2023 Virtual Hand Care, LLC. All Rights Reserved.